AI Under the Law: A Glimpse of U.S. Regulations and Policies
How is AI being regulated by US laws?
AI is a rapidly evolving field, and regulation of AI is a complex issue. At present, no single federal law regulates AI in the United States, but several federal agencies and state governments have issued guidance or proposed bills on various aspects of AI. Here are some examples of US laws and regulations related to AI:
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - In 2018, the FTC issued a statement on the use of AI, highlighting potential benefits and risks associated with AI applications and providing recommendations for companies to use AI ethically and lawfully.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - In 2019, NIST issued the first version of its AI Risk Management Framework, offering guidelines for managing the risks of AI.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) - In 2019, OMB issued the "Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications," emphasizing the importance of transparency and fairness in AI systems.
States - Some states have passed laws affecting AI, such as New York's law requiring transparency and accountability in AI decision-making systems used by governmental agencies.
Proposed Bills - Several bills have also been proposed in Congress, such as the Algorithmic Accountability Act and the National Security Commission on AI Act of 2018, which if passed can significantly impact the development and use of AI in various industry sectors.
In conclusion, while no single federal law currently regulates AI in the United States, the regulatory landscape is quickly evolving, and federal agencies, states, and Congress are actively taking interest in various aspects of AI development and use. As AI continues to proliferate, we can expect further development of regulations to govern its use and development in the coming years.