Trademark Registration: The Next Step After Forming Your LLC
What’s the process of setting up my trademark once I have my LLC setup and structured?
Once you have your LLC set up and structured, you can begin the process of registering your trademark. Here are the general steps involved in setting up your trademark:
1. Conduct a trademark search: Before filing a trademark application, it's important to conduct a trademark search to determine if similar trademarks already exist. This involves searching the USPTO's database as well as common law sources to ensure that your proposed trademark is not already in use.
2. File a trademark application: Once you've determined that your proposed trademark is available, you can file a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You will need to provide information about yourself, your LLC, and your proposed trademark.
3. Examination and approval: After you file your application, a trademark examiner will review it to ensure that it meets all of the legal requirements for registration. If the examiner determines that your trademark is eligible for registration, it will be published for opposition to allow other parties to object to the registration.
4. Registration: Assuming there are no successful oppositions to your trademark application, your trademark will be registered and you will receive a registration certificate. You can then start using the ® symbol to indicate that your trademark is registered.
Keep in mind that the trademark registration process can be complex, and it's best to work with an attorney who specializes in trademark law to ensure that your application is properly prepared and filed, and to help you through the entire process.