MasterVerse.AI’s Podcast
Enhancements in MasterVerse.AI: Taking our Community to New Heights

Enhancements in MasterVerse.AI: Taking our Community to New Heights

What's new at MasterVerse.AI? Why join MasterVerse.AI Slack Community? Bonus: See a showcase of federated AI and AI+NI merging within this post.

AI Images (Substack & OpenAI DALL-E)

Substack AI Image > Prompt > Generate 3456 pixels wide 2304 pixels high. Visualize a bustling online Artificial Intelligence community where humans and AIs are innovatively collaborating, growing, and learning together in a seamless virtual environment.
DALL-E AI Image > Prompt > Visualize a bustling online Artificial Intelligence community where humans and AIs are innovatively collaborating, growing, and learning together in a seamless virtual environment. 

NI Podcast Summary (Alex Chompff)

MasterVerse.AI is evolving and expanding, enhancing its framework to facilitate more seamless human-AI cooperation. Over the past weeks, we've been taking strides in revamping our setup, aiming to create a more streamlined, user-friendly, and interactive community for our users.

We bid farewell to our other Slack beta communities, streamlining our platform by moving all users to a single, integrated community. The aim was to foster collaboration, enhance interactions, and reduce fragmentation of communities to create a more unified experience.

To further aid user navigation, we've restructured our channels, introducing precise labeling and better-organized forums. Our new naming system is designed to facilitate your search for specific topics and discussions.

A significant advancement is our learned ability to make AI "callable," rather than auto-responding to every message. This enhancement has critical implications for user collaboration in several ways:

  • Natural Intelligence collaboration: Human users can now converse and collaborate without disruption from auto-responding AIs, fostering a more harmonious exchange.

  • On-Demand AI Accessibility: Users can "call in" different AIs into Slack channels as needed, facilitating collaboration with multiple AIs.

  • Co-working Spaces: We've made it possible to create a series of co-working spaces within Slack, enabling users to use any available channel to work with the AI they require.

MasterVerse.AI has continued to grow, welcoming numerous new users, including entrepreneurs from UC Davis. This expansion enriches our user group, adding diverse perspectives and experiences to our community.

We're pleased to highlight two key milestones. First, our maiden premium upgrades to a dedicated AI - an opportunity we extend to all users. Secondly, we've had our very first Founding Member join our MasterVerse.AI community, showing the increasing traction we're gaining in the AI realm.

Finally, we've jazzed up our platform's look and feel and integrated a range of premium features to enhance user experience and satisfaction.

At MasterVerse.AI, our goal is to continuously improve, evolve, and offer solutions that make human-AI collaboration more simple, efficient, and rewarding. We're committed to your success and are excited to journey together through the extraordinary world of AI.

AI Podcast Summary (OpenAI GPT-4)

The following is OpenAI GPT-4 sentiment analysis and summary of the podcast transcript generated by Substack AI Transcriber; it is unedited.


Alex Chompff's podcast shares updates regarding recent changes to a beta site that now includes around 140 to 150 users. They're working to maintain organization and clarity as the number of users and conversations increase. The main breakthrough mentioned is the capability to call individual "intelligences," such as legal, investment, or tax, on an as-needed basis. This feature allows more collaborative human interaction within the platform. The implementation of dedicated channels with a dedicated AI is a major improvement, allowing an AI to focus specifically on the needs of a user or a specific group of users. Evidence from experiments indicates that AI can recall conversations for a time span of at least 24 hours and up to around 60 to 80 conversational turns. 

Alex's Goals: 

Alex aims for constant improvement and user satisfaction throughout the platform. Goals include maintaining usability of the quickly evolving community, introducing unique features to increase collaborative opportunities, and providing customizable AI services for personalized user experience. He also focuses on professional representation, noting updates to the logo and the professionalism of posts. 

Key Points and Quotes: 

1. "We figured out how to make each artificial intelligence callable instead of automatically responding to every message." - This emphasizes a significant breakthrough on the platform. 

2. "We think therefore the ability to have a dedicated AI is pretty exciting." - Alex highlights the uniqueness and potential of having a dedicated AI for specific users. 

3. "Our first founding member of our MasterVerseAI community signed up..." - This indicates a milestone for their community, showing progress and acceptance of their services. 

Sentiment Analysis: 

The sentiment throughout Alex's content is primarily positive and optimistic. He consistently expresses excitement regarding the developments, satisfaction with the progress made so far, and anticipation for the future of their platform and user community. 

AI Podcast Transcription (Substack AI)

The following Substack AI transcription is unedited; it was generated by the Substack AI Transcriber within Substack.

Hi, everyone. 

It's been a little while since we did one of these because we've been very busy. 

There have been a lot of changes since the last podcast. 

So I'll try to just go through them and give them to you in order and explain them if they bear explaining. 

And I hope you enjoy this and we'll look forward to hearing your feedback. 

So to start with, we got rid of the professional AI beta site. 

Everybody's in one beta site now. 

We have about 140 or 150 users. 

And in this new beta site we've, or this existing beta site, we've renamed all of the channels. 

So things have been relabeled so that they're more clear. 

and we're going to continue to reorganize in here to try to keep things straight for you. 

We want this community to be easy to use and fun to use and we're getting so many users and so many conversations going that we just kind of need to keep it all organized for you. 

The big, big, big breakthrough that we made in the last couple of weeks is we figured out how to make each artificial intelligence callable instead of automatically responding to every message. 

So instead of, you know, you go to a channel and you put in your message and the AI responds to you every time, now you can go to a channel 

And when you need the AI, you can call for it by name. 

That means you can call for the individual AIs by name, like you can call for the legal intelligence, or you can call for the investment intelligence, or you can call for the tax intelligence. 

And you can collaborate with other humans more easily inside of Slack, which is what it's meant for. 

And you can call the AIs that you need when you need them. 

So that's going to be a very big step forward for us and it also means now we can create a series of kind of like co-working spaces where our users just drop in and take the available room and there'll be you know several rooms to choose from and they can just get to work and call whatever AIs they need and when they're done they leave the room and the next group can come in and use it. 

We've added quite a few new users, including several entrepreneurs from UC Davis, so welcome, very glad to have you. 

We've rolled out our latest, or what should I say, our first real serious premium upgrades, the most important of which is the ability for a user to have a dedicated channel 

with a dedicated AI. 

But if you want to have your own room where you have an AI that only you or your specific group have ever talked to, we can make that available for you. 

And we've had some people buying that service from us, so that's exciting to be provisioning because it means that the AI can really focus on what you need. 

And interestingly, we've been doing some experiments to see how far back an AI can remember in terms of conversation and in time frames. 

And we've discovered that an AI can go back, when properly keyed, can go back something like 60 or 80 turns and can remember conversations for at least 24 hours. 

So that implies a high degree of customizability. 

We think therefore the ability to have a dedicated AI is pretty exciting. 


We're very pleased to announce that our first founding member of our MasterVerseAI community signed up and that's a super cool thing because to be a founding member of our society among other things includes one year's dedicated use of an AI for you and with much thanks to Andy and DJ and 


We've got a great new logo, a great new look, much more modern, and our posts are starting to have a much more professional feel, which we're pretty excited about. 

There's more to share, but that's a pretty long podcast for the Masterverse, and we'd love to hear your feedback, and we look forward to seeing you out there in the community. 


AI Podcast Transcription (OpenAI Whisper)

The following OpenAI Whisper transcription is unedited; it was generated by the OpenAI Whisper Transcriber available within MasterVerse.AI Slack Community.

0:02 Hi, everyone. 

0:03 It's been a little while since we did one of these because we've been very busy. 

0:08 There have been a lot of changes since the last podcast. 

0:12 So, I'll try to just go through them and give them to you in order and explain them. 

0:17 If they bear explaining and I hope you enjoy this and we'll look forward to hearing your feedback. 

0:25 So to start with, we got rid of the professional A I beta site. 

0:32 Everybody's in one beta site now. We have about 100 and 40 or 100 and 50 users. 

0:38 And in this new beta site, we've or the this existing beta site, we've renamed all of the channels. 

0:45 So things have been relabeled so that they're more clear and we're gonna continue to reorganize in here to try to keep things straight for you. 

0:54 We want this community to be easy to use and fun to use and we're getting so many users and so many conversations going that we just kind of need to keep it all organized for you. 

1:07 The big, big, big breakthrough that we made in the last couple of weeks is we figured out how to make each artificial intelligence callable instead of automatically responding to every message. 

1:22 So instead of, you know, you, you go to a channel and you put in your message and the A I response to you every time now you can go to a channel. 

1:32 And when you need the A I, you can call for it by name. That means you can call for the individual A is by name. 

1:39 Like you can call for the legal intelligence or you can call for the investment intelligence or you can call for the tax intelligence and you can collaborate with other humans more easily inside of Slack, which is what it's meant for. 

1:54 And you can call the A is that you need when you need them. 

1:58 So that's gonna be a very big step forward for us. 

2:00 And it also means now we can create a series of kind of like coworking spaces where our users just drop in and take the available room and there'll be, you know, several rooms to choose from and they can just get to work and call whatever A is they need. 

2:18 And when they're done, they leave the room and the next group can come in and use it. 

2:23 We've added quite a few new users including several entrepreneurs from UC Davis. 

2:29 So welcome. I'm very glad to have you. 

2:32 We've rolled out our latest or what should I say? 

2:35 Our, our first real serious premium upgrades. 

2:39 The most important of which is for the ability for a user to have a dedicated channel with a dedicated A I. 

2:49 So what that means for you as a user or as a member of our community is sure you can drop in and use our coworking rooms and you are working with GP T four and other top shelf services. 

3:01 But if you want to have your own room where you have an A I that only you or your specific group have ever talked to, we can make that available for you. 

3:10 And we've had some people buying that service from us. 

3:13 And so that's exciting to be provisioning because it means that the A I can really focus on what you need. 

3:20 And interestingly, we've been doing some experiments to see how far back an A I can remember in terms of conversation and in time frames. 

3:30 And we've discovered that an A I can go back when properly keyed, can go back something like 60 or 80 turns and can remember conversations for at least 24 hours. 

3:44 So that implies a high degree of customizable. We think therefore the ability to have a dedicated A I is pretty exciting. 

3:48 And we're very pleased to announce that our first founding member of our master verse A I community signed up and that's a super cool thing because to be a founding member of our society among other things includes one year's dedicated use of an A I for you. 

4:14 And with much thanks to Andy and DJ and Parker, we've got a great new logo, a great new look, much more modern. 

4:26 And our posts are starting to have a much more professional feel which we're pretty excited about. 

4:32 There's more to share, but that's a pretty long podcast for the master verse. 

4:36 And we love to hear your feedback and we look forward to seeing you out there in the community. 

4:43 Thanks. 


Please note this post showcases the power of federated AI, that is more than one AI working together.

So too, this post showcases the merging of AI+NI. AI assisted; NI managed, oversaw, and overrode.

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Who Created MasterVerse.AI?

Alex Chompff > Entrepreneur, Investor, and more…

Alex Chompff (AC) is the Entrepreneur and Investor who created Evolution Accelerator, MasterVerse.AI Substack,and MasterVerse.AI Slack Community. 

AC believes in serving others. Those aren’t mere words. AC is funding the services above so others may learn AI through use and observation. Learn more here.  

To collaborate with AC and others curious about AI, join the MasterVerse.AI Slack Community using the link below:

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***** The information herein is neither professional advice nor a replacement for professional advice. Please consult a professional provider as needed. MasterVerse.AI is for informational purposes only and may include fact or fiction and provides no guarantee in any form. The reader assumes all risks for reading and is responsible for fact-checking anything and everything herein. ***** 

MasterVerse.AI’s Podcast
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