MasterVerse.AI’s Podcast
The Masterverse.AI Community

The Masterverse.AI Community

Alex explains how the community works

We have a Slack Community. Interestingly, it was the AI that came up with the name.

Right now, it’s free. One day, we’ll probably charge $14 per month to be a member. We have some very interesting members in our community, including at Top 50 worldwide wealth manager according to Forbes © and one of Ted’s most engaging speakers with well over 3 million views. You can come and hang out with us in a safe space to learn. Email me for details.

MasterVerse.AI’s Podcast
Learn what successful people are asking AI, and see the answers they're receiving. Understand how to use AI in everyday work and life. Leverage new technologies for your benefit. Understand how things work and why AI is a game changer for your business and life.